
  • 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Caring For Your New Dental Implants

    If you have just received dental implants, your dentist has probably already spoken to you about the importance of keeping them clean to avoid infection. However, below are some mistakes that you should avoid while taking care of your new dental implants. Using an Electric Toothbrush If you are used to using an electric toothbrush to clean your teeth, you may want to hold off on using it on your implants while they are still new.
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  • What Causes Dry Socket And How To Prevent It After A Tooth Extraction

    There are some instances where it may be necessary to pull a tooth rather than save it. Having a tooth pulled is a simple procedure and recovery is usually quick. However, in some cases, a condition known as dry socket can develop. This requires additional care by your dentist to control pain and inflammation. Fortunately, dry socket can often be prevented by following your dentist's instructions for recovery after an extraction.
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  • Considering Another Cup This Morning? Think Again - How Too Much Coffee Affects Your Smile

    A cup of coffee each morning is most likely a ritual to get you going each day. However, some mornings you may feel the need to drink multiple cups for that extra boost of caffeine. On average, Americans drink 3 cups of coffee per day, but you may need to reconsider the additional cups if you care about your oral health. If you are drinking too much coffee, you may experience the following issues with your smile:
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  • 8 Common Habits That Destroy Children's Teeth

    Children fall prey to many of the same habits as adults, but the good news is that there is plenty of time to adjust. The earlier you start teaching your child how to turn away from these bad habits, the more likely he or she is to enjoy a long lifetime of healthy, pain-free teeth. Habit #1: Chewing on Ice As refreshing as it may feel to chew on ice, it is actually not good for your teeth to do this.
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  • 3 Reasons Why Your Teeth Are Sensitive

    It's normal to have temporary sensitivity in your teeth now and then, but if you have sensitive teeth all of the time, then it is an indication that something is wrong. Sensitivity to hot and cold foods and sugar can make eating uncomfortable, and it can also make you want to avoid some of your favorite foods. Anti-sensitivity toothpaste can help make things more comfortable, but what you really should do is get to the cause of the problem.
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  • Your Options For Treating A Severely Decayed Molar

    If you have a seriously decayed molar and have not yet visited a dentist, then you are likely wondering what your options will be to rectify the problem. While you need to book an appointment as soon as possible with a local dentist for an examination, having a bit of information about your various options will help you discuss them with your dentist. At your dental appointment, you can expect the dentist to take x-ray films of your teeth and perform an examination.
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  • Four Basic Dental Crown Questions Patients Need Answered

    If a person suffers the misfortune of experiencing major tooth damage, there are several ways that a dentist may be able to reverse or repair the damage so that the tooth's appearance will be corrected. Having a dental crown placed on a compromised tooth is a routinely used repair option for those that have suffered these damages: What Are The Reasons For Getting A Dental Crown? A dental crown is used when a tooth has suffered significant structural damage and needs to be reinforced.
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  • A Hundred Miles From The Nearest Dentist? What To Do In An Emergency

    Living far from a city is often the dream of many, but unfortunately it comes with a price. In times of emergency, it could seriously cost you. Take emergency dentistry, for example. If you break a tooth and you live a hundred miles away from the nearest dentist (or can't get to Family First Dentistry LLC), what do you do? Start with the following. Recover the Piece of Tooth If the broken piece of tooth is large enough (i.
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  • 3 Reasons To Get Braces As An Adult

    As an adult, you may think that you are too old to get braces. After all, braces are generally for younger people. However, that's not true. There are a lot of good reasons for you to get braces, even as an adult.  Self-Esteem One big reason to get braces is to help with your self-esteem. Even if you have high self-esteem, you may still feel self-conscious about your crooked or misaligned teeth.
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  • Diabetic? Be Aware Of Dental Issues Related To Dry Mouth

    Diabetes affects your body in so many ways. Most people are aware of the increased risk of kidney failure and eye disorders that comes with the disease. One problem you may not be as aware of is the mouth dryness that can arise from diabetes. Here's a closer look at this oral health issue, the problems it can cause, and how to manage it. What causes the mouth dryness? Especially when your blood sugar is not well controlled, your body ends up eliminating extra sugars through your urine.
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