
  • 4 Ways To Make Oral Care Fun For Kids

    When it comes to getting your kids to do something that may not want to do, oral care ranks up there among the most difficult things to do. There is simply something about brushing teeth that can send children into a state that is quite difficult to deal with, whether this is something like fear or anger. Luckily for you, there are a few ways you can make this process easier and more fun for your child and, by extension, you.
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  • Recovery Care Tips After Tooth Extraction And Dental Implant Procedures

    To get the most benefit from your dental implants, following your dental professional's instructions for after the procedure is extremely important. Your home care after a dental implant procedure will depend on whether you had tooth extraction first, then implants put in later or if you had an implant placed immediately after having a tooth taken out. Follow these tips for ensuring you experience the least pain possible while allowing your gums to heal or while giving your implant time to begin the important process of osseointegration.
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  • 3 Misconceptions About Dental Implants

    Going around with a smile that is missing a tooth or two can be distressing. It can cause you to become self-conscious of how you look. Instead of going out and enjoying spending time with friends and family, you want to stay home so no one will have to see your smile. However, there is a simple solution to put an end to your missing tooth. Dental implants are taking the dental world by storm and helping individuals get the beautiful smile they crave.
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  • Does Smoking Lead To Tooth Loss?

    Teeth can be beautiful and present a healthy glow, but you must remember to take good care of them. Otherwise, you will have infections you will have to deal with eventually. One of the most damaging things you can do for your oral health is smoke. Gum tissue cells are damaged by the smoke, and this damage can lead to infections such as periodontal disease. The blood flow to the gums can be impaired in a way that may have an effect on how well the gums can heal.
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  • 4 Dental Emergencies And How To Handle Them

    There are plenty of dental emergencies that can arise at any point of time. Dental emergencies are something that you will want to deal with in the best way possible to ensure that they heal properly. This will then ensure that your smile stays in the best condition and always looks at its best. Here are four dental emergencies that could arise and how to deal with them: Toothaches: Toothaches can be really uncomfortable.
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  • Get Your Teen To Take Better Care Of Their Teeth

    When your child reaches the teenage years they will more than likely be more interested in their friends and their extracurricular activities than taking good care of their teeth. If your teen is like most, they may also have bad eating habits, filling themselves with soda, candy and other foods known to be hard on teeth. This article will provide you with advice on ways you can convince your teenager to stay more on top of their dental hygiene.
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  • Having A Tooth Extracted? Know How To Recognize And Treat A Dry Socket

    After you have a tooth extracted, a blood clot forms in the open socket where the tooth used to be. Without that blood clot, there's essentially nothing protecting the exposed bone and nerves in your jaw until the wound in your gumline heals. When that happens, you get what is called a "dry socket." Here's what you should know. Extreme pain is the most obvious symptom.  Because dry socket tends to occur with molars (which have thicker, wider roots than the teeth in the front of your mouth) you usually can't tell whether there's a blood clot in the socket like there should be or not.
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  • Three Rare Surgical Consequences For Dental Implants

    Bleeding, swelling, pain, and bruising are all common complications of dental implants. Most people, even those who don't have dental implants, know about these complications. However, there are other possible complications that you may not be aware of. Here are three examples: Numbing and Tingling One of the rare complications is a numbing or tingling sensation of the mouth and face, especially around the tongue, lip and jaw areas. This may happen if any of the nerves that supply sensations to these areas is affected during the dental implant process.
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  • Tips For Keeping Yoru Teeth Healthy And White Through The Holidays

    The holidays can take their toll on the condition of your teeth if you aren't careful. Treats and good drinks make their way around households by the handfuls during this time of the year. It can be hard to maintain good discipline when you see all those good foods in front of you. This article is full of tips and advice to help you keep your teeth healthier and whiter, in spite of all those tasty holiday treats.
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  • Exploring Dentist Approved Remedies For Your Teething Baby

    Nothing can make a parent feel worse than watching their child or baby in pain. You want to do whatever you can to help ease your child's pain, but you also want to make sure you don't give them anything that will harm them. Teething can cause quite a lot of pain to a baby. Most babies teeth around 3-12 months of age so pain remedies can be limited for children that young.
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