
  • How Can A CT Scan Help With Dental Implants?

    The process for installing a dental implant is actually quite straightforward while delivering revolutionary results. The process isn't quite so clear-cut when a patient needs multiple dental implants. More than one implant can be required for a number of reasons, whether this is individual implants to replace several missing teeth or multiple implants to support a partial denture or dental bridge. Sometimes, additional steps are required to ensure the successful placement of multiple implants.
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  • 3 Things To Help You Adjust To Your Braces

    If you are going to get braces, you may be worried about how well you will adjust to wearing them. Adjusting to new braces doesn't just mean adjusting to how you look while you're wearing them, but also the way you feel while you are wearing them. So, what can you do to help yourself adjust to wear braces and to feel more comfortable while you are wearing them? Water Flosser
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  • Do You Need A Deep Teeth Cleaning? Questions You May Have

    When you go in for a dental care visit, your dentist may want you to have a deep teeth cleaning. This is different that a routine cleaning that you have normally at your regular checkups. Here is what you need to know about deep teeth cleaning: What Is Deep Teeth Cleaning? A deep teeth cleaning is also known as gum therapy. This treatment cleans the roots between the teeth and gums.
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  • How Does Special Needs Dentistry Differ From General Dentistry?

    Dentists do their best to meet the needs of their patients, offering caring, comprehensive dental care to keep patients' teeth healthy. However, some people have different needs than others. People affected by dementia, autism, Downs syndrome, and other conditions have special needs that can be met by a special needs dentist. Here are three ways that special needs dentistry differs from general dentistry. 1. Physical limitations are taken into consideration.
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  • Reasons You May Need More Frequent Dental Cleanings

    While seeing your dentist a couple of times a year for examinations and dental cleanings may be sufficient for most people, other people may need to make more frequent appointments. To find out how often you should visit your dentist, talk to both your physician and your dental professional. Here are some conditions that may warrant more frequent visits to your family dentist.  Diabetes If you are a diabetic, you may be at a heightened risk for developing gum disease and cavities.
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  • Not Crazy About Your Dentures? Here's What You Should Switch To

    Dentures are an effective solution for missing teeth, but not everyone is a fan of them. Whatever your reason is for not liking your dentures, there's a better solution out there for you. The Problem With Dentures Dentures are indeed a good solution for missing teeth, but they have their downsides. For example, some people don't like the way that dentures feel in the mouth. Since they adhere to the gums instead of going down into them, it can feel a little artificial and strange to wear dentures.
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  • The Importance Of Nutrients For Your Oral Health

    When it comes to nutrients and oral health, calcium is a common need that many people think about. This is partially ingrained in us due to years of seeing those cheesy PSAs on TV about how milk is good for your body and helps strengthen your bones. There are actually other nutrients that are just as important when it comes to oral health. Here are some things to incorporate into your diet that are better for your teeth.
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  • 4 Signs You're Not Flossing The Correct Way

    Flossing is sometimes overlooked, but it is one of the most critical parts of your oral care regimen. When you don't floss, you open the door to all sorts of issues that can lead to discomfort around your teeth and gums, and you may even eventually lose some of your teeth. However, flossing incorrectly can also make you susceptible to these concerns. Learn some of the signs that often indicate poor flossing habits.
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  • Shopping For A Set Of Dental Implants And Other Procedures

    Cosmetic dental applications are useful because they make your smile look amazing, while also improving your dental health altogether. When you have imperfections in your teeth, it not only makes your smile less than perfect but it's also difficult for you to speak and chew your food. Because of this, there are a few different procedures that you should start to become familiar with. Utilize the points in this article in order to start getting some dental work done that will work for you.
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  • 3 Dental Myths That Are Simply Not True

    In any field, there are always myths that go around that many people will believe, and this is true in dentistry too. Believing dental myths can lead you astray when it comes to the way you care for your teeth, and that is why it is important to understand the truth about these things. Here are three common dental myths you might believe that are not true. Dental myth 1: Flossing is optional
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