Using The Tooth Fairy As Tool To Promote Dental Health
Posted on:
13 March 2015
When kids start losing their baby teeth, a visit from the tooth fairy makes the whole experience less traumatic, and perhaps even exciting. A little money or a prize under the pillow can make a child forget all about the fear and pain sometimes associated with losing a tooth. The tooth fairy is an excellent tool for helping kids make it through the tooth loss process unscathed, but what if she could do even more?
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Surgical Options For Treating Advanced Gum Disease
Posted on:
25 February 2015
Minor gum disease can often be treated by improved oral hygiene, a trip to the dentist and perhaps some antibiotics. But more severe cases of gum disease require heavier treatments. There are a variety of non-surgical options for moderate gum disease, but if your condition has progressed past that point, you might have a surgery in your near future.
Below are the surgical options for gum disease treatment:
Pocket Reduction Surgery
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How Your Dentist Will Deal With Your Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Posted on:
14 February 2015
Impacted wisdom teeth can be very painful because the teeth cannot get through the gums. If you have this problem, you get a really good idea of what it must feel like to be a teething baby. The teeth struggle with pushing their way up through tough flesh, the gums swelling and turning red or purple. You may even experience a fever like a baby does when your impacted teeth are trying to get through to the surface.
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Three Telltale Signs Your Dentures Do Not Fit Anymore
Posted on:
2 February 2015
Dentures are made from molds of your gums and therefore are supposed to fit your mouth perfectly. Although your dentist may have tweaked the dentures for bite fit during your initial appointment, he or she made sure that there were no other problems with your dentures. If you now discover that it is uncomfortable to wear your dentures, here are three signs that your dentures no longer fit and the reasons behind them.
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