Traditional Braces Vs. Invisalign For Your Teenager

Posted on: 17 January 2018

If your teen's dentist is pushing for braces, you may be wondering what options you have. While traditional metal braces are still common, more and more people are choosing invisible braces like Invisalign. If you aren't sure which is right for your teen, check out these frequently asked questions. Do Braces Hurt? Braces work by moving your teeth, so it is not the most comfortable experience. Metal braces are typically more painful after each adjustment, however.
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3 Mistakes To Avoid When Caring For Your New Dental Implants

Posted on: 14 December 2017

If you have just received dental implants, your dentist has probably already spoken to you about the importance of keeping them clean to avoid infection. However, below are some mistakes that you should avoid while taking care of your new dental implants. Using an Electric Toothbrush If you are used to using an electric toothbrush to clean your teeth, you may want to hold off on using it on your implants while they are still new.
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What Causes Dry Socket And How To Prevent It After A Tooth Extraction

Posted on: 16 November 2017

There are some instances where it may be necessary to pull a tooth rather than save it. Having a tooth pulled is a simple procedure and recovery is usually quick. However, in some cases, a condition known as dry socket can develop. This requires additional care by your dentist to control pain and inflammation. Fortunately, dry socket can often be prevented by following your dentist's instructions for recovery after an extraction.
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Considering Another Cup This Morning? Think Again - How Too Much Coffee Affects Your Smile

Posted on: 19 October 2017

A cup of coffee each morning is most likely a ritual to get you going each day. However, some mornings you may feel the need to drink multiple cups for that extra boost of caffeine. On average, Americans drink 3 cups of coffee per day, but you may need to reconsider the additional cups if you care about your oral health. If you are drinking too much coffee, you may experience the following issues with your smile:
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