3 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Child's Teeth
Posted on: 16 February 2016
When you want to be sure that you are giving your child the best chance of success when it comes to their dental care, you will need to take it upon yourself to help them out. You will need to impart good habits, help them overcome fear of the dentist and make sure that you are instilling knowledge about caring for their oral health. With this in mind, follow these points and use them in order to make sure your child's dental needs are always taken care of.
Tip #1: Make An Informal Visit To The Dentist And Start Your Child Off Very Early
If you want to be sure that you are able to give your child the dental care that they require, building a relationship with a long-term pediatric dentist is an absolute must. This is the dentist who will take an active role in keeping track of your child's oral health, so make sure that you are comfortable with the hire. Come to them for an informal visit, so that you have a chance to see the facility and ask questions. Make notes about the technology that they use, ask about their techniques and get a feel for how busy the practice is and how easy it would be to get an appointment. From there, you should take your child to the dentist around their first birthday, or when they grow their first tooth, whichever comes first.
Tip #2: Curb Bad Baby Habits
Believe it or not, many bad dental habits begin before a child can even speak. Get your baby off the pacifier as soon as possible and work with your dentist to help your child curb the thumb sucking habit. Never, ever, dip your child's bottle or pacifier in sugar or honey as a treat, because this can lead to serious tooth decay.
Tip #3: Stock The Refrigerator And Cupboards With Healthy Food
Starting your child off with healthy eating habits is one of the best steps you can take in order to protect their oral health. You should cut added sugar out of their diet as much as possible, and opt for real, natural fruit and vegetable juices, as opposed to those on grocery store shelves which are loaded with sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Make sure that your child eats plenty of leafy greens, fruits and vegetables to improve their tooth health.
Follow these three tips and use them to the best of your ability so that your child benefits from it. If you're looking for a kids' dentist, visit Kids Dental Tree.